About Us

Who are we?

We are a gathering of men and women passionate about Jesus' mandate to heal the sick, and eager to see the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven. We represent many different churches and denominational backgrounds but are united in the love of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. We gather regularly to equip and encourage one another and serve our community and local churches. If you are hungry to see Jesus heal the sick and set captives free, join us!

"You also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood...." 1 Peter 2:5

Who are we trying to serve?​

People hungry to learn more about Jesus’ ministry of healing and grow as part of a community of faith.

People in need of healing - physically, emotionally, or spiritually, and would like someone to pray with them.

Church or ministry leaders who want prayer for themselves or someone in their congregation.

Church or ministry leaders who want to equip their people to pray for healing.

What's a Collective?

We're a relational network of followers of Jesus gathering together to love one another, grow together, and serve our churches and community.  We believe the Holy Spirit has given each person unique gifts and callings for the benefit of the Body of Christ, and we share them freely with one another for the glory of God.  We seek to honor each person’s different gifts, and cheer one another on to live in their unique God-given purpose and calling.

"I am contending for you that your hearts will be wrapped in the comfort of heaven and woven together into love’s fabric. This will give you access to all the riches of God as you experience the revelation of God’s great mystery—Christ."

Colossians 2:2-3, TPT

What we believe

Despite our diverse church backgrounds, our prayer team members are all devoted followers of Jesus Christ, whom we believe is the Son of God. We pray in His name, as He alone has the power to save and heal. We believe every believer is empowered by the Holy Spirit and is called to proclaim and demonstrate the Kingdom of God as Jesus did. We believe those who earnestly seek Him will find Him and that all people are invited to come to Jesus to receive salvation, healing, and deliverance. He always responds to our needs with love.

General Questions

No.  We love and affirm the local church and want to be part of helping churches be full of healed and whole followers of Jesus who minister His healing love in every area of life! We encourage everyone to be part of a local church fellowship.

No. We are NOT licensed counselors, mental health providers, or medical experts.  We give thanks for modern medicine and doctors!  We encourage people to seek prayer alongside professional medical advice and consult with their doctors about any changes to their medications or treatment plans.

Absolutely! Jesus calls and equips all His followers to pray for the sick, but not everyone will feel called to serve as a prayer minister. Join us for fellowship, encouragement, and equipping so you can be the hands and feet of Jesus as you walk through everyday life.

Join us for equipping and training opportunities to grow in our relationship with Jesus and His ministry of healing and deliverance. We believe in the priesthood of all believers (1 Peter 2:9), and that the Holy Spirit has given all followers of Jesus power to proclaim and demonstrate the Kingdom of Heaven.

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