A healing prayer session is a chance to meet with the triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit in a relaxed and unhurried way. Each session lasts around 90 minutes and you will meet with 2 prayer ministers. The session may also include a third person whose role is purely to observe and intercede.
The appointment will mainly consist of listening to the Lord. You will listen and the prayer ministers will also listen, as well as guide the session as they hear the Holy Spirit prompting.
Some powerful tools that are available to the children of God may be utilized in the appointment. These may include agreeing with you in prayer; declaring truths of Scripture and the work Christ accomplished at the cross; binding and casting out the work of the enemy; and blessing and anointing, either with oil or the laying on of hands.
You will be a full participant in the prayer appointment and nothing will be done without your agreement and permission. Some notes may be taken as the Holy Spirit gives scripture and prophecy relevant to your situation. These will be given to you at the end of the session as a reminder of what was received. Anything you share with the prayer ministers during the session is kept confidential.
As much as possible, we seek to enlist intercessory cover for you and your appointment. We ensure that the time is covered by other prayer ministers as we pray with you, and we ask you also to ask people to pray for the session. Finding one or two people who know your situation and can cover you in prayer is very powerful.
Healing prayer is not counseling. The prayer ministers are volunteers who have a lot of experience in praying for individuals, but no training in medicine or counseling and will not give advice other than as directed by the Holy Spirit. If you are currently receiving or considering counseling, we consider healing prayer a great complement to that. Any changes to medication or medical treatment you may be engaged in should be done in consultation with your doctor.
We don’t charge for prayer appointments. Our team members are volunteers who have experienced God’s healing grace, and it is a joy to help others encounter His love. If our ministry blesses you and you would like to support our work, voluntary contributions can be made through our Donate page.
After a prayer appointment, we generally recommend:
1) Pray and reflect on what God has done and revealed during your appointment.
2) Meditate on Biblical truth, especially any scriptures that came up during your prayer session.
3) Ask God what specific and practical steps you should take to align with His truth and promises. Ask Him to help you.
4) Share with one or two close friends what God’s done for you and how He is leading you. Healing and growth happen in community.
Not at this time. We currently focus on in-person prayer appointments but may offer online sessions as our volunteer team grows.